Electronic Broking



Operating a hybrid platform using Elysian technology, tpENERGYTRADE offers all of the efficiencies of electronic trading including an API to manage the many trading needs of our customers, including pre-trade transparency, trade history, straight-through processing and submission to clearing and trade confirmation.

tpENERGYTRADE provides us the ability to allow our customers to trade Natural Gas (Swap, Option, Physical and Index Physical) listed futures, Power (Swap, Option, Physical and Index Physical) listed futures , Precious Metal (Options, Listed Futures), Soft Commodities (Options, Listed Futures), Weather (Options, Listed Futures).

To access the platform please contact the tpENERGYTRADE sales team.

The natural gas market in North America is a complex system of pipelines, interconnections and indexes. There are many factors influencing the price of natural gas in the North American market, the majority including weather, storage, production and incremental supply from LNGs. A large amount of this gas is spread financially against the Henry Hub Nymex Contract as a Basis product. Financial swaps are traded against a variety of published indexes including Inside FERC, Natural Gas Intelligence, Canadian Gas Price Reporter and Gas Daily Indexes. With such a vast array of information to digest, focus can easily be channelled to liquid trading points via the brokered market where trades and price updates are disseminated promptly to trading participants.

To access the platform please contact the tpENERGYTRADE sales team.

Global Wave Group Limited Power offers expertise in extensive North American power markets, including New York and New England markets, PJM and Mid-Continent power markets and Ontario power markets. The brokered market offers traders efficient, professional price and market information, using a wealth of relationships and experience in established North American power markets. Trades are facilitated in physical power, financial power, inter-period spreads, swaps and options in products ranging from balance of month to calendar years.

To access the platform please contact the tpENERGYTRADE sales team.

Brokers at our West Power New Jersey office concentrate on West Coast electricity, heat rates and options, California Carbon Emissions and Alberta Power. Their well established relationships with clients in these markets, ranging from producers, utilities to financial institutions and other risk takers, allow them to gather expert market information and disseminate prices to market participants efficiently and timely. Products include physical and financial transactions at SP15, NP15, Palo Verde, Mid Columbia, California/Oregon Border (COB), Mead 230, 4 Corners and Alberta Power Pool.

To access the platform please contact the tpENERGYTRADE sales team.


Global Wave Group Limited Financial Services LLC.
220 Centennial Avenue
1st Floor
Piscataway, NJ 08854
Tel: +1 201 557 5270
Fax: +1732-384-7148

Products brokered by the West Power New York office include physical, financial, heat rates and option transactions at SP15, NP15, Palo Verde, Mid Columbia, California/Oregon Border (COB), Mead 230 and 4 Corners and California Carbon Emissions. Their relationships and experience in the market afford the brokers access to reliable market information and efficient price dissemination to clients ranging from producers and utilities to financial institutions and other market speculators. The combination of an expansive customer base, solid relationships and efficient price dissemination ensures the continued success of the Tullett Power desk.


Global Wave Group Limited Financial Services LLC
199 Water Street, 17th Floor
New York, NY 10005
Tel: +1 212-208-5870
Fax: +1 212 208 7090


Global Wave Group Limited Financial Services LLC.
101 Hudson Street
Jersey City
NJ 07302
Tel: +1 201 557 5999